Hello friends. My name is Greg. I’m here to promote healthy living and well-being among families by empowering parents to make informed decisions about nutrition and lifestyle.

To optimize the health and vitality of the family unit, in the hopes of helping curb our nation’s obesity epidemic one day, I’ve decided to go all in and start a company from scratch.

Alongside me will be my children, as I’ll be taking care of them as a full-time, stay-at-home dad, with the loving and incredible support of my wife, who will continue working full-time to support us. In the near future, I hope to provide enough for us to afford her the ability to join me back home to raise this growing family of ours together.

Most importantly, through my social media accounts, and on this site, you will see me practicing what I preach by setting the example every day in my family and in my own life.

Join me on this journey and subscribe today!